Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fathers day celebration ideas

GOLF themed  “Par-tee” by Rebecca Martinez
– Photography: Rebecca Martinez Photography
– Edible Cookie Toppers: Tasty Foto Art
Custom Golf Balls & Tees:

One of my favorite treat ideas by Bakerella.
Canon’s Creative Park has adorable Father’s Day Cards.
Make Dad a Super Hero Box of goodies!  
Jordan Ferney of Oh Happy Day! created these cute labels for Alpha Mom.

A cute coloring activity by Family Fun for young kids! 
Cathe Holden has cute clip art.
Check out these printables by My Delightful Designs! 

I love these retro Father’s Day Labels by Martha Stewart. Download the PDF

 Wonderful images and ideas from Living Locurto

Saturday, June 4, 2011

More Trends in Stationery…

) Metallics – Personally, I think gold and silver are always in style.  That being said, metallics were HUGE at the stationery show and how doesn’t like to surround themselves with more silver and gold?!  Look for tons of marvelous metallics in paper, especially for the holidays.

2) Ribbon & Glitter – Again, I never get tired of a little satin and sparkle.  But it seems no one else will either this year.  Lots of invitations and cards had special little unexpected extras on them at the show.  It was fun to see a mediocre card come to life with a little dash of glitter and a strip of satin ribbon.

3) Laser Cut Masterpieces – Perhaps, my favorite trend of the WHOLE show!  With intricate laser cut detailing and design, wedding invitations and stationery are being beautifully enhanced.  Look for gorgeous laser cut wedding invitation bands and for birthdays and bridal showers – gorgeous finely cut cupcake wrappers and place cards.

4) Saracastic Holiday Cards – With messages like “Merry Stressmas and Happy Hollardays,”  sarcasm seems to be a trend for this upcoming holiday season.   I’m not going to say it’s my favorite trend  (I LOVE the holidays and am more of a “Happy Holidays to all!” type), but there are a few new sarcastic greeting cards out there that truly made me giggle at the show.

5) Traditional Invitations -  My final trend to share is also a favorite!  It seems stationery is going back to more traditional feel.  For a little while there in paper, we were dabbling with the 80s-type craziness.  2011-2012 seems to be looking back to a more streamlined traditional beauty in cards and invites that we have seen in the past three years.

This information comes from my favorite designer of all time Loralee Lewis 

Her newest collection for someone famous....ooh I love a mystery!

 What inspiration for The small town party planner!!!