Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring is coming!

It's amazing how much a little sunshine can inspire and excite.
All's been quiet this last momth in the childrens party business.Parents are just coming out of Holiday slump.I know Easter is on its way but it seems to signal 'spring is coming'.With that I think We feel able to plan our upcoming year.Enter a client!!! I just love a brand new party to plan,the expectation of our first meeting,the excitement of picking a theme...I love it!

I am really hoping Alice is in my future, I love all things Mad Hatter, Strawberry Tarts, flamingo's.The list goes on.The last time I did an Alice theme my daughter turned 4. That was quite a few years a go.One of my favorite sites is

The best Alice party ideas .

Another thing that I have a passion for are Invitations I love this site, very retro

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New to the blogging world

I started this blog as a sort of way to put down my thoughts and feeling and didn't put much into it as you can probably tell by how many posts I have added.But today I had a wonderful surprise to get my first contact with the blogging world!
Firstly two of my favorite blogger's Natalie from
and a compliment from Dawn at
From Not just a mommy!
It's great to see all these moms with a passion for parties out there!
I recently held an Oscar night pyjama party for a few of my gal pals.What a blast and not such a bad award show either!!!